I get this question from my clients all the time.
Sometimes they're looking for the official recommendation, sometimes they're trying to plan, and sometimes they're wanting permission to make the switch to formula.
My son's breastfeeding journey is about to come to a close, and it's bringing up lots of emotions. I have been reliving the struggles and joys of the last 23 months. I have felt pain and joy. Touched out and connected. Annoyed and grateful.
The official recommendation from the CDC and WHO is to nurse exclusively for six months and continue for one year. I thought Romi might stop nursing before he made it to one year.
I felt so much shame as I watched him become less and less interested in nursing. I kept offering and nursed on demand. He shocked me by blowing past his first birthday still nursing strong. By 15 months, I was finally feeling ready to be done.​ I set a goal to nurse until 18 months. When 18 months came around, I set a new goal to nurse until he was done or until he turned two at the latest. I stopped offering, and only nursed when he asked. He asked a lot. That was okay, because I knew the end wasn't far. I had set a goal that helped keep me going and kept me from becoming burnt out.
I encourage my clients to do the same:
Don't stop on a hard day
Set a goal that feels like an accomplishment.​
If today is the hardest day of nursing that you've faced, don't stop. Tomorrow may be the best day. If you stop today, you'll never know. Instead, set a goal today that feels like a win. Maybe that's nursing for one more week or a month or a year. Whatever it is, let it be a goal that feels achievable and motivating. Every day that you nurse adds more benefits to you and your baby.
No matter how long you nurse-- a day, a month, a year or five-- when you look back on the journey I want you to feel proud of yourself. That is the right amount of time for you.
If you're reading this after you stopped nursing and you're feeling disheartened that you didn't nurse longer: first, take a deep breath. Look back on your journey and find the reasons to be proud. Did you nurse through a pandemic? Be proud. Did you nurse through a NICU stay? Be proud. Did you nurse through sore nipples? Be proud. Did you nurse through a tongue tie? Be proud. Did you nurse at all? Be proud. You did it. That's a win.
