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Postpartum & Parenting
All things postpartum, parenting plus the joys and challenges that come with both
Elizabeth Eirwood
Nov 22, 20233 min read
What I get babies for the holidays based on their age
Here in Minnesota, December is at the very beginning of a long winter. Every year I struggle to fathom how in the world we're going to...
Elizabeth Eirwood
Jun 28, 20235 min read
Postpartum Recovery: Is rest really best?
Many birth professionals recommend complete rest during postpartum recovery but does the research support it? Here's a look at the data.
Elizabeth Eirwood
May 26, 20233 min read
Three Games to Play with Your Newborn
It can be hard to know how to interact with your infant. Sure you snuggle, change, and feed them, but what about the in-between times? On...
Elizabeth Eirwood
Mar 29, 20233 min read
Time for a Change
I recently announced on Instagram that I would be changing my name from Mama Eirwood to Empowering Mama. This has been a long time in the...
Elizabeth Eirwood
Jan 30, 20233 min read
Layering Sleep Cues
One of the most common sleep strategies I teach to parents is how to layer sleep cues. It's a strategy that helps parents address many...
Elizabeth Eirwood
Jan 13, 20233 min read
What About When Sleep Changes?
Here are some tips for responding to your baby's developmental sleep changes.
Elizabeth Eirwood
Dec 9, 20223 min read
Surviving the Holidays with a Baby
It can be overwhelming to navigate the holidays with a new baby. Here are some tips to make it easier. 1. Say no. First, it is okay to...
Elizabeth Eirwood
Dec 5, 20221 min read
Identifying Hunger Cues
It can be hard to know when your baby is hungry. Here are four signs to look out for: Music: Green Leaves Musician: music by...
Elizabeth Eirwood
Aug 4, 20222 min read
Peeing When You Sneeze?
One-third of postpartum people report urinary incontinence. We don't have to live this way. Here are four steps to repairing pelvic floor.
Elizabeth Eirwood
Jul 22, 20223 min read
Nut-Free Low-Nickel Postpartum Snacks
Five nickel-free and nut-free snacks that are full of the nutrients you need during postpartum, plus substitutions and easy-to-grab ideas.
Elizabeth Eirwood
Jul 1, 20223 min read
Five Products That Make Mom Life So Much Easier
We all know the struggle to keep a neat house with a toddler running around. If you're like me, it's more than just wanting a clean house. M
Elizabeth Eirwood
Jun 17, 20223 min read
Toddler Takes on Travel
Over the last past month, we have visited three different states and five different cities. We traveled on planes, trains, and cars. I learn
Elizabeth Eirwood
Apr 28, 20225 min read
Parenting Doesn't Need to be Miserable
We all love a good joke about the struggles of parenting. It feels good to come together to laugh and it helps us feel less alone. I'm...
Elizabeth Eirwood
Apr 16, 20222 min read
How I Managed to Have it All
"Having it All". We hear this phrase so often. It can be positive— “Wow you really have it all!”— or negative— “Are you trying to have it...
Elizabeth Eirwood
Apr 6, 20222 min read
How We Weaned from Paci in Four Days
With this method, weaning from the pacifier was so much easier than I had anticipated.
Elizabeth Eirwood
Mar 29, 20222 min read
How long should I nurse my baby?
I get this question from my clients all the time. Sometimes they're looking for the official recommendation, sometimes they're trying to...
Elizabeth Eirwood
Mar 27, 20222 min read
A Doula Does That?!
It's not always about the babies in doula world! Doulas are trained and experienced in many different areas. Here are eight things doulas...
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